Business Segment Analysis
Does your business manufacture several product lines or provide a variety of different services? If the answer is yes, you need business reports that will enable you to determine which segments of your business are profitable and which are not. That’s important information you must have. But, if you don’t know how to properly segment or if you know how to segment but lack the capacity to do a full scale analysis – you need outside help.
Davidoff & Associates can provide that assistance. We’ll meet with you to learn about your company … make specific recommendations to you about segmentation … even teach you how to code and segment the different product lines or services in your company. All you need do is provide us with the coded source documents … we’ll do everything else for you.
You’re sure to be pleased with the results. That’s because we’ll give you a complete analysis of each segment’s operations and any problems we uncover … plus recommendations for a course of action.
You may learn that it’s necessary to eliminate a segment of your business or that you have to reduce expenses in order to keep it viable. Either way, your business will benefit. Go ahead and contact us at once to get a free needs assessment.